Improved Oil Recovery Fundamentals
About the Skill Module
This skill module discusses the reservoir aspects of waterflooding. It builds on the related topics from earlier modules and "fills in the blanks". Reservoir Surveillance and Reservoir Management activities specific to waterfloods are covered and the balance left to later modules to avoid duplication.
Target Audience
Engineers or geoscientists who will occupy the position of reservoir engineer, and any other technically trained individual who desires a more in-depth foundation in reservoir engineering than is offered in the one-week Basic Reservoir Engineering and Reservoir Engineering for Other Disciplines courses.You Will Learn
Participants will learn how to:
- Waterflood Types: Peripheral vs. Pattern; Above vs. Below Bubble Point Pressure; Above vs. Below Fracture Pressure; High vs. Low Reserves to Producing ratios; Normal vs. Enhanced; Onshore vs. Offshore
- Waterflood Operations: Modeling the Reservoir; Monitoring Injectors; Monitoring Patterns; Water Quality