Production Logging Wellsite and Downhole Environment


About the eLearning Course

The goal of production logging is to obtain an accurate interpretation of downhole tool measurements of fluid holdups and fluid velocities. Achieving this goal requires an understanding of the equipment used at the wellsite to make these measurements and the equipment used to deploy the tools downhole. It is important to know where the tools are in the well with relation to the well components described in the well schematic. Because most production logging tools only measure what is inside the innermost casing string, it is also necessary to know when the primary cement job may be seriously degrading permitting flow behind pipe. This skill module covers wellsite equipment, gamma ray, casing collar and depth measurements, and acoustic methods to determine cement quality behind pipe.

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Target Audience

Petroleum engineers, production operations staff, reservoir engineers, facilities staff, drilling and completion engineers, geologists, field supervisors and managers, field technicians, service company engineers and managers, and especially engineers starting a work assignment in production engineering and operations or other engineers seeking a well-rounded foundation in production engineering.

You Will Learn

  • The basic components of surface equipment used to log a flowing well
  • The basic methods used to flow a well
  • The fundamental types of completions used in typical wells and the problems associated with acquiring and interpreting production log data in these types of completions
  • The basic information shown in a wellbore sketch and how to use this when planning production logging jobs
  • How gamma ray and casing collar tools work and how to use them to depth align production logs to open hole logs
  • How wireline depth measurements are made and how they compare with pipe tallies and coiled tubing depth measurements
  • How conventional cement bond and ultrasonic cement bond logging tools work, what they measure, and how to do a qualitative interpretation of cement bond quality

Product Details





Product Type:

eLearning Course




3 hours (approx.)
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